Galaxy Chocolate

Galaxy Chocolate offer ends in...

{getButton} $text={Pack of 4 at} $icon={info}$color={} $info={₹200}

Buy from Nearby Stores where offer is mentioned on the Galaxy Chocolate Pack or order from Amazon using above link 🔗. Offer pack is valid on ₹80 Chocolate Pack only.

Find the Reward Code: Inside the Snickers pack, you’ll discover a voucher code. This voucher contains the key 🗝️ to your cashback 💰, so be sure to keep it safe🔒.

Redeem the Offer: Now, head over to the Galaxy Chocolate website and Register with your Name & Place by adding Reward Code & verifying with OTP 🔗. (Link provided below)

After 24 hours you will receive a text message with a Cashback Claim link to redeem it through UPI, NEFT or Amazon Pay Gift Card.

You will get your Cashback once responded. 🤑

Correct Details: When redeeming the offer on the website, ensure that you enter accurate information such as your UPI ID, Account Number, Name, etc. Any incorrect entries or details won’t be entertained.

Cashback can be claimed for 1 Galaxy Chocolate Pack for 1 Mobile Number for ₹80. So, use multiple Mobile numbers 📱 to get more Chocolates 🍫 and more Cashback 🤑!

{getButton} $text={T&C's} $icon={}$color={} $info={Visit}

Redeem here: 👇🏻

{getButton} $text={Redeem Code} $icon={gift}$color={} $info={Free}

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